History of Celebrating Christmas and the
Nativity Scene
Christmas was originally called “The Feast of the Nativity of Jesus”. The word “nativity” comes from the Latin word
Natalis, meaning birthday. The observance probably does not date earlier than 200 AD and did not become widespread until the 4th century. The actual date of Jesus birth is unknown but what is known is that Christian leaders in 336 A.D. set the date to December 25 in an attempt to eclipse a popular pagan holiday in Rome. The date of Christmas coincides closely with the winter solstice in the Northern hemisphere, a time of rejoicing among many ancient cultures. Christmas, as the great popular festival of Western Europe, dates from the Middle Ages.
The Nativity refers to the birth of Jesus. According to the Bible, the Virgin
Mary, assisted by her husband Joseph, gave birth to Jesus in a stable in the city of Bethlehem.
Surrounded by farm animals and shepherds, the baby Jesus was born in a manger
because Mary and Joseph had been refused refuge at a nearby inn. As the story
goes, Three Wise Men from the East came bearing gifts of gold, frankincense, and
myrrh. Remembering or recreating the Nativity is one of the central ways that Christians
of many religions celebrate Christmas. Children often perform plays recreating the events of the
Nativity. Celebration also consists of singing the numerous Christmas carols that reference the
birth of Jesus. In addition, many Christians display a small recreation of the Nativity known as a Nativity
Scene in their homes using small figurines to portray the key characters of the event.
Christmas Gifts
In ancient Rome, people exchanged gifts on New Years' Day. These might be jewelry, pieces of gold and silver, or home-made pastry, cookies and candies. Sweet things were given to ensure sweetness for the year to come, lamps to wish for the light and warmth, and money was given to wish for increasing wealth. Wrapping of gifts may have originated in Denmark. When the Apostles brought the Gospel to Rome, the people learned of the Three Wise Men who came from the Orient to present gifts to the newborn King. From then on, the old custom was only slightly changed. The exchanging of presents remained, but now it was done in imitation of the three wise men, on Christmas.
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