Frog Figurines, Pictures and Tree Frogs
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Frog Statue Froggy prepares for a refreshing dip on a warm summer's day. With his goggles, trunks and flamingo-shaped inner tube, he's all decked out to float the afternoon away! This captivating statue is a charming year-round reminder of summer fun and sun. Polyresin. 7 1/2" x 8 1/4" x 12 1/2" high. (1 EA) WFM-38043 Retail $24.95 to $33.95 Wholesale
Wholesale Frogs and Frog Lovers Gifts
Information About Frogs and Their Life in the wild!
A Frog is a small, tail less animal that has bulging eyes.
Almost all frogs have long back legs. The strong hind legs make the frog able to
leap farther than the length of its body. Frogs live on every continent except
Antarctica, but tropical regions have the greatest number of species. Frogs are
classified as amphibians. Most amphibians, including most frogs, spend part of
their life as a water animal and part as a land animal. Frogs are related to
toads, but are different from them in a few ways. The giant frog of west-central
Africa ranks as the largest frog. It measures nearly a foot (30 centimeters)
long. The smallest species grow only 1/2 inch (1.3 centimeters) long. Frogs also
differ in color. Most kinds are green or brown, but some have colorful markings.
Although different species may vary in size or color, almost all frogs have the
same basic body structure. They have large hind legs, short front legs, and a
flat head and body with no neck. Adult frogs have no tail, though one North
American species has a short, tail like structure. Most frogs have a sticky
tongue attached to the front part of the mouth. They can rapidly flip out the
tongue to capture prey. Frogs have such internal organs as a heart, liver,
lungs, and kidneys. Some of the internal organs differ from those of higher
animals. A frog's heart has three chambers instead of four. And although adult
frogs breathe by means of lungs, they also breathe through their skin. The eggs
of different species vary in size, color, and shape. A jelly like substance
covers frog eggs, providing a protective coating.
This jelly also differs from species to species. Some
species of frogs lay several thousand eggs at a time. But only a few of these
eggs develop into adult frogs. Ducks, fish, insects, and other water creatures
eat many of the eggs. Even if the eggs hatch, the tadpoles also face the
danger of being eaten by larger water animals. The pond or stream in which the
eggs were laid sometimes dries up. As a result, the tadpoles die. Certain
tropical frogs lay their eggs in rain water that collects among the leaves of
plants or in holes in trees. Other tropical species attach their eggs to the
underside of leaves that grow over water. When the eggs hatch, the tadpoles
fall into the water. Among some species, one of the parents carries the eggs
until they hatch. For example, the female of certain South American tree frogs
carries the eggs on her back. Among another species of frog, the midwife toad,
the male carries the eggs wound around his hind legs. A young frog hatches
from the egg and begins life as a land animal. Tadpoles are not completely
developed when they hatch. At first, the tadpole clings to some support in the
water, using its mouth or a tiny sucker. A tadpole has no neck, and so its
head and body look like one round form. The animal has a long tail and
resembles a little fish. It breathes by means of gills, which are hidden by a
covering of skin. A tadpole's form changes as the animal grows. The tail
becomes larger and makes it possible for the animal to swim about to obtain
food. Tadpoles eat plants and decaying animal matter. Some tadpoles eat frog
eggs and other tadpoles. In time, the tadpole begins to grow legs. The hind
legs appear first. Then the lungs begin to develop and the front legs appear.
The digestive system changes, enabling the frog that develops to eat live
animals. Just before its change into a frog, the tadpole loses its gills.
Finally, a tiny frog, still bearing a stump of a tail, comes up from the
water. Eventually, the animal absorbs its tail and assumes its adult form.
After a frog becomes an adult, it may take a few months to a few years before
it is mature enough to breed.
We are proud to be able to deliver our frogs to the following
list of US States:
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut,
Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois,
Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts,
Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New
Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota,
Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South
Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Washington
D.C., West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming.
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